when the day met the night

Faolin did not know much about her family anymore. The only side of her family she really knew anything about was Segodi and even that was minimal information. When Asphyxia did come back the two barely talked and it was a hello and bye every once in a while, but that was about it. Memories from the past were fading and she hardly recognized her mother at all anymore. "Sure, you can play with them! Although, they are not your siblings, they are in fact your niece and nephew," she smiled and looked over to Talitha and Ezekiel who walked along behind their dad, very tired and weary. They seemed so sad and tired. "Ezekiel... Talitha, come over here." Instantly both their ears shot up and they stopped and then bounded over to Faolin's side. 'Momma, I'm tir'd,' Talitha piped up and then looked over at the coyote standing beside her mom. Instantly the two withdrew to their mother's side and tried to peer around her leg and around each other. Faolin laughed and shook her head, stepping out of the way. "The boy there is Ezekiel, and that is Talitha." As soon as Faolin mentioned Ezie's name his tail whipped back and forth happily.


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