From the shadows

I'm very happy you found us! And also happy that you chose the best pack! *coughs and whistles innocently* ;D Sorry for the sloppyness of this too, I kept getting interrupted by customers and coworkers. x.x
WC: 389

Well, this stranger was nothing if not well-mannered. The corners of Bris' lips turned in a subtle smile of approval as his stance was held in respect. Too often the woman would encounter arrogance and contempt on the borders of Dahlia, every instance of such being met with denial and threat. Dahlia had no place for souls such as those. The pack that Bris proudly considered her family was just that. The wolves of Dahlia were a collection of souls set adrift in the sea of the world, who'd somehow managed to find one another and form a family, harmonious in all its differences. Those without her best intentions in mind would find Dahlia a cold and hostile place.

The white lady relaxed her stance a bit at the stranger's reaction. Her guard was not let down completely, but her dominance no longer held the subtle undertone of challenge to it. Bris believed wholeheartedly in Dahlia's ideals of giving anyone not presenting an open threat a chance at a home, but there were a few formalities to set aside first and foremost. Fortunately, the stranger was well-versed in pack diplomacy, and already knew the primary question his greeter was going to ask.

The soft smile of amusement remained on Bris' face as she listened, the male's smooth tones drifting on the night wind like the leaves of fall. His skills were to be expected of anyone seeking a position in pack life, but the mention of healing did stand out. Conor was training himself to be a healer, and Bris imagined he wouldn't mind someone to share the responsibility with, or even tutor under as he learned. "Well stranger, Dahlia may well have a place for you. Most of us who call her home started out on the other side of her borders. Tell me though, what's your name, and why are you without a pack in the first place? If you've got trouble following you for any reason, you already know we'd need to know about it." Truthfully, depending on the trouble, Dahlia still wouldn't be likely to turn him away. However, Bris' position within the pack granted her the responsibility to accept new members into its ranks, and she refused to unknowingly put Dahlia in danger by doing her job. She had to make an informed decision.

Table by Sie!
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