A stolen tank on a rampage



What does a mate mean? The question was simple, to the point and answering it was an effort for the behemoth to do. Part of the answer Gideon wouldn’t understand, the attraction, the scent of his lover drove him crazy, no matter how many nights they played around he could never get his fill of his dark lady. But the other part, the love, the utter joy of being linked, to another in such a basic but strong level that he wondered if he could even describe that part without the other. Both went hand in hand, the attraction and the love. The question was simple but the answer was difficult and hard to explain.

“Having a mate is like being home. They are your world, you are connected them closer than any other person in the world. It’s like having your favorite food every night and never getting tired of it Gideon. My Love for Layla transcends anything else, she is the wolf I decided to dedicate myself to for the rest of my life. Choosing a mate is a big decision. There are many factors, some of which you are a little young to understand. But in time Gideon you will, and if you ever need someone to talk to about this stuff I am always here to lend advice about being a man” Saluce Patted the young wolfs head with adoration, knowing for now his answer would have to do for the young one. Soon this wolf would figure out that he had his male equipment, start noticing the differences between him and females, and then a whole new can of worms would be opened. When that normally happened, it usually turned out to be a frustrating time for any young male.

Nodding softly to Gideons remarks he only offered a soft laugh “I hope to be a good daddy someday as well!” the behemoth spoke in the same enthusiastic tone that Gideon had. With a smirk the wolf shifted his weight to stand on all fours, the awkward pose slowly diminishing as he continued to shrink down into his lupus form. With a loud playful growl Saluce let himself go low to the ground in a playful pose. It had been awhile since he had allowed himself the simple pleasure of picking on a younger wolf, and now he felt Gideon was a prime candidate.

“On Guard Gideon Stormbringer! You are challenged! What will you do?” Saluce said in a playful tone, knowing eventually this little game would be taken outside.

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