The Honeymoon is Over

WC: 722 {8 points, 1 for Word of the Day}

Mornings were no longer Layla's friend anymore. On any normal morning, she would be getting up and wandering around, making meals for the day, and maybe getting some cleaning done. Now a days, the mistress was spending all morning in bed. She was waking up feeling sick to her stomach and her body ached so much. Her chest was constantly pounding and she felt lazy. Layla was not a lazy wolf at all. Her slim body was proof enough to show how active she was. Now she was getting fatter, perhaps she should going running a bit more. The black and white she wolf was curious as to how this was happening. Perhaps she was eating more than she should have, and she would need to stop this if she was going to keep her figure. On this morning, she was going to do just that, but once she got out of bed, she was bending over from stomach pain. She couldn't go running like this. Perhaps it was best to take the day easy. Maybe she got sick from something and she didn't want to have Saluce catch it. Speaking of Saluce, there was something about him bugging her. He was becoming increasingly annoying. Just what had gotten into him recently? Was this Layla's fault because she wasn't feeling well? Was she to blame for being a annoying while she was feeling so horrible that she didn't want to even get out of bed? She let out a bit of a harsh sigh before she moved over to her closet. Because there was company in their home, she would rather be clothed than the loner seeing her topless. Once she was in the closet, she grabbed the closet thing close to her, which was her new red top and the skirt that went with it. It took a bit of time before she was able to slip into the outfit, but she was sure tired when she was finished. Now began what seemed like a journey to get downstairs and check on the loner. So far she seemed to be doing nicely and her wounds were beginning to heal. She did notice that the behemoth was not around. He must have been at him shop. Knowing his reckless nature, she took a small bit of the aloe ointment and bandages before heading outside.

The trip from the home to Saluce shop seemed like it would take ages considering the rise in pain she was receiving. Was the world trying to get back at her for something she did? As far as she knew, she had done nothing to deserve this. As little distance from the home and she was already leaning over. She made an arch with her body to try and reduce the pain. It was working but it just seemed rediculous to try and walk to the shop hanging over like she was. Slowly she moved her body back up and continued on. She had to hang over a few more times before she would finally arrive to the behemoth's shop. The scent of metal filled her nose as she turned away. It was not the most pleasant scent in the world, but it was one that seemed to please Saluce, so the mistress tolerated it.

Slowly she opened the door. Layla could tell he was thinking about making something but for who? The mistress was sure it wouldn't be for her. While she wouldn't mind learning how to use a weapon, she didn't want people to think of her as a killer. As she came closer to her love, she could tell from how he was acting that his wounds were still bugging him. She moved over to him and let out a soft sigh. After laying her aloe and bandages down, she looked to his shoulder wound first, beginning to tend to it. ”I really wish you'd stop pushing yourself Saluce. If you keep this act up, your wounds will just reopen and will never heal. Do you want that? I sure don't.” Something about the look in her mate's eyes told her that he was irratated with her. Why would he be though? She was worried about him and how he was healing, but he was the one pushing himself and making it worse on himself.

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