we have big dreams & big dream takers


He had still yet to really adjust to this sudden role that had landed on his shoulders. He continued to believe that he had done the right thing by pushing Haku out of his majestic chair and out into the cold. Whatever that really was, it was not right to allow Haku to use the pack for his own wars. The man was sick and eventually the entire pack would have fallen with him. Conor did not doubt this. The coin coated male had not expected life to be this hectic though. There were not many strictly set deadlines for the duties he had to do, but in general there were a large number of things he wanted to see done, and he would not allow himself to become idle if there were things that could be adjusted and improved to further heighten Dahlia’s living standards.

Cambria understood, as he believed she would. She drew forth an excellent point by mentioning her mother. The Dahlian’s soft hued ears shifted in thought. It had been a long time since he had seen his dark hued aunt. He would have to step out past the Dahlian borders and visit his Dreamer family soon. He would just have to make time for it. ”Thank you for understanding,” he smoothly replied, the words genuine and grateful. It helped to hear it from her. Perhaps Savina could help him with a few words of guidance so that he could rise and try to become a good leader like she was. While he had never been in the Crimson Dreams lands for a long period of time, he knew that the pack continued to run strong. There were things to be learned everywhere.

He dipped his muzzle in a nod the moment she spoke again. Of course he would like to be her guide for the day. It was not rare for him to bring the newer Dahlian members along on a quick tour around Dahlia de Mai’s territory so that they could get an idea of the lands. ”We’re currently by the south-western borders, and what you see before you is Flander’s Field. It used to be a human burial ground, and it is quite fascinating to see their tributes to the dead.” Yes, there were beautifully carved stones, figures of human angels and similar if one took the time to really look through the peaceful area. It was well overgrown and he did not doubt that there were beautiful things yet to see for those who knew where and how to look.

He started off towards the large cemetery. ”How is the rest of the family doing back home?” Beyond here they would reach the outskirts of Berwick and the vineyards and even get a glimpse of the twinkling sea. There was no way for the two to tour the entire territory in one go, but he would steadily lead them towards Wolfville and his home so that she would know where his house was for future visits.

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