beyond this world is worth dying for
ooc- gah I suck soooo much

The woman responded back to him, giving her own name. Alaine sounded like an odd name to him, but then again he never got around as much as many more had. In his experience, there were going to be a few odd names tossed around, especially with the many foreigners that inhabited the Nova Scotia area. Cotl was one, paired with his brother. There was one other American he had met before: Levi Donahue, but he only met the white Montana wolf once. Another member from out of the Northern American continent was Mkhai, one of Samael Lykoi's kids. He and his siblings were from Egypt, which seemed quite exotic compared to the predominant Eurasian foreigners.

Cassius barely noticed the pain he was in, as a result of the blood loss and painkiller euphoria combination. It was comfortable for him, but dangerous. He could fall asleep, she warned him, and so she would have to wake him up. In a very drowsy and disoriented state, he remained his focus on the collie woman, who continued to work on his extensive wounds. "I dun think I'll be fallin' 'sleep anytime soon 's long as I'ma talkin' to you," he chuckled in a fashion that resembled, to put it in layman's terms, completely shitfaced. He didn't realize it, but he was incidentally hitting on the poor woman, who was only trying to treat his wounds.

She continued to work on him, but he noticed little of it. His euphoric state caused him to be quite distracted, although he was still focused on the woman. Maybe not her face... but he was focused! His drunken-like state still damped the immense amounts of pain he would otherwise be drowned in. His imperial eyes were dull, a result of his rather lackluster condition. They were still peeled open, staring at the Apothecary. He watched her retreat back to her bag again, to fetch a rather interesting looking bottle. It was filled with a very wonderful looking liquid, golden hued and very delicious looking. He looked over to the bottle, finally distracted from the woman, his eyes squinting in interest.

She leaned to his face, explaining that he would feel some pain, but that it would go away quickly. To Cass at this point, he felt invincible. Little did he know, that the euphoric effects were very deceiving. Very much drugged, Cass groggily nodded his brown head up and down, his large ears still in a relaxed position. "Ma'am," he started, his words slurring as if they were liquid. "Y'all don't know how grud I feel nooooooow." He chuckled again, the high he was on felt like it would last him for a lifetime. However, that was about to change a little.

He saw the bottle gleam from the corner of his eye as Alaine tipped it over his back. In the mere seconds before he felt anything, he closed his eyes, expecting the liquid to feel like the cool water that flowed next to him. Instead, there was a waterfall of intense pain. His deep purple eyes began to widen and swell with a river of tears. The salty liquid pooled and flowed across his face, his eyes now sealed shut, trying to seal the pain from his brain. His mouth was wide open, pained and panicked screams emanating from his muzzle as the now feared liquid ran across his back and cause the terrible pain. The southerner tried his best not to move, which took all of his concentration and strength to do so. His brain was addled with mixed readings of pain that overpowered the feelings of euphoria quite quickly. He thought he was over the excruciating pain and terror. Apparently not.

However, true to her word the pain started to subside as the liquid ran out from the bottle. His eyes started to open again, as he was able to regain his strength once more. His screams died into pained breaths and grunt, to overcome the residual pain readings. Cassius' tears no longer flowed from his eyes, and he saw the collie's face again. The hybrid was now calmed a little more, and he panted, glad that the pain was now over. He shook his head slightly, the shaking fear still rattling his body.

Word Count: 700+


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