Time of your Life

table © sie
wc: 300+

A masculine voice rose, lost to the woodlands behind her, and the deep comforting baritone swells of that howl brought a slice of warmth to cut through her chilled figure. It was not a fever that froze her marrow, but a fear, and his voice alone had the effect of momentarily holding it at bay. Yet, she did not move, but kept eyes closed - Fearing, against all logical thought, that to open them would be to break the momentary spell of warmth.

One, two, three... Alaine counted the seconds in her head, felt the wind caress her features, heard the rough heartbeat of waves pummeling the rock eons below her feet. One hundred and ninety, one hundred and ninety one...

It was not until she heard his voice that the woman released her death-grip on the edge of the cliff. Unaware that she'd been holding on so tightly, the healer momentarily stared at her palms, surprised at the crumbled dirt and crushed grass there. However, there was no time to ponder; Her head turned just as the golden male settled down beside her, his presence a warm sunlight at her side, even as the real sun inched into the horizon. She could smell the feline behind them, but it smelt like Daisuke, and the collie-woman glanced at it briefly before assuming it to be no threat. However, her initial (and somewhat frightful) intentions were chased away as sharp jade eyes drank in the form of her friend, and lover.

"Dai!" She gasped, horrified, for his tail was all bandaged, and elsewhere too! Instinctively, she leaned into the warm palm that cupped her cheek, but her emerald gaze was swarming over him, her hand hovering inches from his chest as if to touch him would be to make the wounds real. "What happened to you?" The question was asked softly, but there was a slight tremble in her voice that hinted at her own emotional instability. She'd intended to tell him straightaway, about her condition. Hell, she'd intended to shout it at him, to stand, a defiant and terrified thing, awaiting some sort of blame or punishment. It was, after all, the only experience with pregnancy she'd had prior. However, the distraction of his wounds, and the sudden and unbearable need to snuggle in his golden fur bordered her on a shaky mixture of terrified and glorious joy. She was pregnant again! And the love for what they had created bloomed afresh within her wary and bruised heart.

But, rather than let her emotions run a muck, she remained cold and frozen as a marble statue, emerald eyes watching him keenly, filled still with that longing and that haunting pain. You're going to be a father, Dai. But the words didn't come. She knew, regardless, that he would be able to tell that something was the matter.

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