Time of your Life

OOC: <3

Dai! What happened to you?! the woman would ask him. Daisuke held a grin on his handsome jaw, him definitely not worried about the wounds that had been inflicted upon his form, and it showed on that face of his. He was perfectly fine with what had happened to him. I ran into some trouble in Inferni. the man spoke, leaving it as simple and plan as that. He didn't get into too much detail, because technically it was his fault that they attacked him apparently since he had blatantly walked onto Inferni territory without any consent of any kind to be there. Apparently they seemed not take nicely to loners wandering onto the territory and he was too slow with finding his target and taking her out before the Alpha and the scarred man he had been attacked by before had come out and attacked him. There were no words from either man, even if Daisuke had been polite, kind, and utterly stupid as well. But as you can seeeeeeee, I'm in one piece....mostly... So I'm okay! Okay? the man reassured the woman that he would be fine, no matter the bandages that he had on his foot and his tail. They were unimportant, what was important was why the woman was so far from home and why she had called him. It wasn't like it was an inconvenience of Daisuke, because he honestly loved seeing the woman.

Daisuke did find it horrible that he lived so far away from Alaine, to where he was not able to see her everyday, and be with her everyday, seeing her beautiful body every morning, every afternoon, every night. She was always beautiful to him, from the moment she woke up to the moment she went to sleep and all the moments in between. Right now she was beautiful as well, though, there was something in her eyes at the moment that was telling him that something was wrong, something was going on, and she wanted to tell him something, or something of the sort. Oceanic eyes were placed softly on her, a calm, loving, handsome smile still on his face, and his half-bandaged tail wagging gently against the ground as he sat there next to her. He looked at her hand that would rise to his chest, but never touch it. He took the hand that was on her face, removed it, and he pushed his hand against her own and let her pink padded hands touch his golden chest. Daisuke held both of his ears to look at her, and he cocked his head.

You look stressed out. What's the matter? You and Caillen are okay, aren't you? Nothing happened did it? the man asked, slightly worried about the stressed look on her face, because it definitely was not the look she normally held on her face, it seemed more important than just her not being able to sleep well because of her healing duties. No, this was a different look. The golden man had sat there, stone still, but relaxed, and content. He didn't want to seem threatening at all, right? I mean, he loved this beautiful woman here. She was one of the most beautiful woman that he had promised his life to pretty much. The other person he swore his life to was the man that he lived close to, the man by the name of Snake Hayter, or just Snake. This was how the life of Daisuke was though, this was the story of his life..

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