You're the Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine!


Her mate's fatherly pride with every move of his offspring made her giggle. It was just so sweet and wonderful to hear his excitement and know that he was so eager to be their father. He perfected her, made her complete. It would be his strength that would hold their family together most of all, of that she had no doubt. His daily encouragements over the course of her pregnancy had been more energizing than anything else, keeping her going despite how tiring it was to carry around all of this extra weight day in and day out. Oh, how she loved him.

His expressed hopes for their pups were music to her ears, saying what she already knew but was sometimes too worried to remember. His words made her laugh, and she could keep silent no longer, "Of course, they know you. You've talked to them almost as much as I have, and I've told them all about how great you are. I'm sure they are very excited to meet you," she replied, knowing that such speculations were somewhat silly, but she could not help but feel that they were true. It was obvious by the pups' excitement at every word, every touch that they knew their parents. Nature probably had it planned that way, starting the bonds between parents and offspring within the womb so that their family would be even stronger once the pups were born. Of that, Ruri had no doubt.

All this thinking about pregnancy and their little pups inside her womb, as well as their current surroundings brought another query to her mind. "By the way, darling, how is Lumiere doing? Is her pregnancy going alright?" she knew that Heath's beloved horse had been pregnant for much longer than she had, and it was only natural for the young collie mother to be curious about her fellow-mother-to-be's wellbeing.


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