Time of your Life

table © sie
wc: 300+

There was a horrible moment of silence. Perhaps it was a split second, perhaps and eternity. A horrible moment of silence where Alaine could have sworn that the heart she felt beneath her palm stopped beating, and, unable to resist, the first crystal tear escaped from the corner of one emerald eye. It was broken by a quickly indrawn breath, harsh and fast, and the woman's entire body froze as if awaiting the punishment she was sure would fall from the heavens and crash around her head.

Her eyes lifted, dully, and watched as his tail quivered. Confusion spawned in her terrified mind. And then she was being pulled into a warm embrace, and her muscles were melting from too much tension, and a second tear eased it's way out past her barrier to trek bravely after the first. A tear of joy. And then Daisuke was a flurry of movement about her, his joy seeping in to warm her frozen bones, the fear no match for her golden knight's overwhelming glee. The slender woman smiled through her slight glaze of tears, and then laughed along with Dai, the sound of their merriment cast out by the wind and carried around them, a heartfelt chorus. When he lifted her lips to meet his own, her head tilted eagerly, her laughter momentarily shuttered by his pierced maw. They are going to be the most beautiful children... His words echoed in her mind, and in her heart, and once the kiss had broken the smaller, daintier figure crawled into Daisuke's lap, wanting no more than to be surrounded by his happy glow.

Safe against his chest, where her floppy ears could hear his reassuring heartbeat, the slender and waif-like female spread her hand once more over her flat belly, questioning that such a thing could bring so much happiness to everyone involved. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, that niggling and horrible doubt remained, but for now she could ignore it. "They will be." She whispered, maybe to herself, maybe to him. But the golden man's words drew her back to the present, and dreamy emerald eyes looked back up at him in a mixture of wonder and dismay. "No, Dai, you don't have to join... Not at the moment. We'll make it work." She smiled faintly, her gaze lingering on him a moment more before dipping back down to her flat belly. "I found out a few days ago, but... I wanted to be sure. And I am sure."

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