Getting to know you

3+ Table by Sie

Life had been an unpredictable roller coasted for the several weeks she returned from her life as a loner. Both her achievements and her downfalls seemed to equal each other out. Recently granted a promotion in rank (although a very small one), Talitha was trying her hardest in order to perfect her image in the eyes of her father and of Inferni once again. She had been gone too many times, and the real Talitha suppressed within was retained down for far too long. Memories and incidents of the past consistently haunted her, and there was no person out there that could convince her otherwise that the past was long gone and dead. Not by a long shot, since Talitha's past somehow found its way into the present via nightmares and hallucinations. The only way to combat such a thing? Whiskey, whiskey, and even more whiskey.

Having a rough night with tossing and turning, the hybrid downed a couple of shots at sunrise and decided to head outdoors in the cool atmosphere of the morning, picking up on a hazy buzz. She brought her prized silvery flask with her, filled to the brim with whiskey but of course not wasting a single drop to be fallen from the container. It was one of those buzzes that caused her to think, and think, and think. Thinking of everything, anything, nothing. It was a nice and cool morning, and even though Talitha didn't have a particular destination to travel to, somehow her travels ended up taking her to the skull lined borders.

Each skull told a story, along with the art that was painted upon some of them. Talitha destined to post her own up in the near future, and wanted hers to be completely covered in the most vibrant of patterns and colors that could be scavenged. There was something about the way the skulls looked, some of them depicting grimaces, frowns, maybe even smirks missing some teeth and fangs to them, content that they were given the honor for their heads to be staked to a pole overlooking the mutual territory ahead of them.

There was then another woman who was sitting beside a standing collection of them, her fur sable and dark, mixed with various colors of soot and ash. There was a profound reddish hue that ran along the top length of her muzzle, and her structure was profoundly coyote. Glancing at the sitting woman from afar for a little more, Talitha raised her arm, gesturing her flask to the nearest totem that held a pretty painted skull. "Really something, huh? I think i'd rather be content in death if someone had the honor to paint my mug to post here. I'd want them to paint pink, purple, and neon green on mine." Pre-drunk babble talk, a little cryptic, but hell, it made for some good opening introduction right?

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