Fun in the Moon
lol awesome job on that post count. WC: 528 {5 points}

Layla couldn’t help but chuckle as Saluce did and continued to stay over him. She was more than happy to go along with him playful attitude. As she rolled over, his muzzle didn’t move from its current position. He was planning to keep her down for quite a bit of time. At least she was able to turn onto her back and look right into his face. Still his continued want to play increased and the mistress played along by returning her own growls and trying to nip at his ear. That mood changed when he began to shift forms. He told her he wouldn’t change because of the wound on his thigh and now he was going against his own statement by shifting. She let out a soft sigh and watched as the behemoth slowly changed to his two-legged form. He was already towering over her in his secui form and now he was just getting bigger. Although she was sure that he would want her to change as well, she felt it better to be in her lupus form for now seeing as he didn’t see her in this form that often. The next thing she felt was his gentle hands around her as his playful growls return. She once again returned the playful growl and mocked nipped at his muzzle.

After a while, the behemoth finally got off Layla and she was able to move around. She noticed the blanket still on top of him and smiled. Well at he was still warm from having something covering him. The mistress shivered a bit as the chill of the winds returned to their location. She watched as he moved over to her side and moved his claws along her belly. She couldn’t help but giggle as they moved along his belly. Her tail wagged happily as her orbs moved back to him. The black and white she wolf raised herself back to her feel and moved over to her love’s back side. She made her way under the blanket and threw her paws over his side. She moved her muzzle to his ear and nipped at it playfully. She was still feeling a bit playful, but she was winding down a bit. She wanted to settle down and perhaps head back home soon. It was getting later in the night as the moon was riding higher in the sky. She gave a soft howl to the moon and then moved her head onto her love’s side.

As Saluce told her he was glad she planned this, Layla lowered her muzzle back to her love’s face and gave him a gentle lick on his cheek. ”I’m glad you enjoyed yourself love.” Her orbs moved back to the sky as the stars shined brighter than ever. This night was perfect and didn’t see how it could get any better than this, unless the behemoth had something in mind. She wagged her tail once more as she moved her head back down, laying it softly along her mate’s hip. ”So what shall we do now love? Shall we head home or stay out here a bit longer?”


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