Women only get in the way of a bromance


The young alpha always aimed to rise with the sun despite the heavy pull of general exhaustion weighting his body down. Conor chose to believe that the herbal infusions had helped, though the belief was probably not genuine. He was conflicted about the two new souls living in the house. The warm hued male did not know for certain, of course, but he believed them to be his half siblings. There was no doubt in his heart that they were born from rape and hatred. Why else would the woman have tossed them into the fire? It hurt him to see the innocent be punished for the sins of monsters, but at the same time he could understand. He did not harbour such feelings though, for they were the same as he. Orphans of war more or less. Haku Soul was gone from this world, but the scars he had inflicted on those who continued to exist within them.

A light knocking sound drew him down from his solitude upstairs. The sound increased in strength and he picked up his speed as he tried to move as silent as possible down the stairs so that the young puppies were not awakened from their light slumber. When he opened the door he laid eyes on Saluce’s back. Stepping outside, the caramel hued male closed the door behind him so that there was no risk of disturbing the resting souls within. ”Saluce,” the Soul man softly greeted as lavender shifted to take in the appearance of this current day. ”Do you need something?”

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Table by Siekone

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