Running Numb
Thanks that makes sense, oh really the weather is the same as in real life that's so cool okay I'll keep a update on the weather then! Oh okay wait so do you mean 300+ characters or 300+ words?

Kaylee yawned, tired from lack of food and little rest. Maybe that' s why she imagined herself to be surrounded by snow all around her maybe she was even insane, she had been running for days on end trying to get here but hopefully her call would be heard by someone of this land. The air was still warm from summer but she knew that warmth was numbered; even the trees sang their declaration of winter with leafs vibrate in colors.

The wind blew throwing the scents from across the territory line that was wild exotic and even a little scary. Kaylee let her head and tail drop toward the ground as the scent of a wolf surrounded her. Peeking up she saw another wolf standing with posture that screamed Leader "You have reached the lands that belong to Crimson Dreams, and I am its Commander Savina Marino. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Hello my name is Kaylee, I've come from far to find a pack and I would be honored to be a part of this pack, If not I will leave post haste!" It was normal for her in her old pack to be this formal in introducing herself. The tension was so thick in the air, even though the other wolf was calm and even, Kaylee's heart was beating miles a minute. She took one step back from the wolf and sat on her haunches with a somewhat with a nervous glint in her hazel eyes.

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