Watching, Waiting

Replying WAY out of order, but I HAD to so I could use today's WotD: Hobbledehoy (an awkward, gawky young fellow)! Because Denali is so freaking adorably so! 300+ words.

Artemis settled in to hear the young hobbledoy's tale of exciting adventure, a tale full of things she could only have wished to to have witnessed, she predicted. The silver-tipped Marino girl mentally ordered herself to pay attention, because she knew that she had a tendency to wander. Artemis had never been good at sitting still or listening, so it might be hard to listen to him, she figured. But the first sentence of Denali's story had her staring at him. "No way!" she squealed, then hushed again to listen to the rest of his grand adventures. It was, indeed, wonderful.

"That's so exciting!" Though she supposed it might've been a little scary for him, Artemis thought it was absolutely and positively awesome. "Yeah, my mamma is pretty cool like that. So that means you're gonna live with us! We'll have lots of time to adventure, then!" Denali would surely be more exciting than Silvano and Parker, she was sure. Artemis definitely loved her brother and sister, but they weren't exactly as adventurous and exciting as herself.

"This one time, I was trying to sneak out of the mansion, but the door just wouldn't budge! So I went upstairs to an empty room, and I pushed the window up 'cause of the tree outside, so I could get down, and then I started to climb out. But then," she paused here, for dramatic affect. "The window monster got me! I had to tickle it to get myself out, but it almost ate me!" she squealed, cleverly omitting that she had gotten stuck and had needed help to get out.

"Then another time, I snuck out of the mansion by the door, 'cause it was open. But there was a bear! So I had to trip him to run away, and then I met Heath from another pack and learned about their horses!" She spun him the tale she had made up for Heath's benefit that day, but she knew lying wasn't good. "Well, that's how it happened except not the bear. But it could have happened!" Of that, she was certain, and she thought she would have loved it.

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