Running Numb
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It means 300 words. Crimson Dreams has a pack game where once a thread is finished you can turn in your word counts for points towards prizes! You can take a look at it in our ranks/game topic Smile

As soon as her scent was caught by the other female she immediately took on a more submissive posture. Savina stood before her and saw her take a peek up at her. It was a little awkward at times, interacting with someone when you were in a completely different form than they were. It wasn't so bad with friends, but it was especially odd when it was someone you were meeting for the first time. Still, Savina wouldn't shift down to her four legged form just to talk to this newcomer. For one it would put her in a vulnerable position for a moment and even though she didn't sense any hostility from the woman one could never be too careful around a stranger. The difference would just have to be dealt with.

The woman, Kaylee, introduced herself and spoke her intentions before stepping back and taking a seat. Savina's calm and welcoming demeanor stayed in place, her emerald eyes watching the other wolf curiously. "It is good to meet you Kaylee. Our borders are open to new members, but I must ask what it is that you can offer us in return for membership." Kaylee seemed well versed in border protocol, so likely she knew that when it came to being a part of a pack every member was expected to contribute in some way or another. It didn't have to be anything extravagant though, hunting skill was enough to please the Commander.


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