Hakuna Matata

Sorry for the suckage. :3

As she went about her work, Niro had responded kindly to all of her small talk. She listened interestedly to him as he spoke of where he lived, for she was curious to know which packs her encountered company hailed from. Through her travels throughout the area, Clover had slowly come to learn about each of the packs that had settled around here. The names were floating in the back of her mind, though she still didn’t know exactly where each one was.

He had begun to prepare his line for another fish when Clover finished the preparation of the first. Nodding in agreement, her golden hair falling over her shoulders as she did, a light smile caught her features. "I’m sure it will taste just fine," she agreed, looking down to the mess of scales and discarded guts that were painted over the large rock she had used as a surface to work. "Let me give it a little rinse, just to wash away some of the scales." Since they were right by the water, Clover merely had to take a few steps and lean towards the water below to be able to scoop some into her palms. First, she washed away the filth from her own paws. When she was satisfied, she cupped some water in her palms and then let it drop to the fish still settled on the rock. Though it was salt water which she used, Clover figured it would make no difference as long as the meat was free of undesirable debris. "There," she chimed, looking up to Niro’s bright eyes once more. Gosh, he was a handsome guy. "Ready for some fish?"

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