From the Morning springs New Life

Table by Gen

Anann was at a lose of what to do. She had helped bring foals into the world, but never her own kind and while there were surely some similarities Anann did not know how far those similarities would go. So the arrival of Alaine shortly after her own was a great relief to the golden woman who would be more than happy to follow the healer's instructions and assist however she could manage. Giving a shake of her head as the healer woman asked if she was squeamish. Though that was not to say that Anann did not find the situation quite uncomfortable, having her own fears about pregnancy and labor. She did her best to hid her own uneasy, not wanting to had to any nervousness that Ruri or Heath may already be feeling.

As a few more bodies trickled in the door and Ruri's contractions grew stronger and stronger Anann excused herself to go fetch the water that Alaine had requested, figuring Haven or one of the others could get the fire started as she packed water to the house. It would do Anann some good to get out of the house for a few minutes and get some fresh air, to let her nerves calm if nothing else. Ruri's pain and contractions making Anann's fears of how her own pregnancy, though yet to come, might end seem all to real. Once she had brought up enough water, Anann kept herself out of the way. Though still ready to lend a hand if needed.

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