memories inside a spiral notebook


It seemed like forever since the two Marino siblings last spent time together, just themselves. Ehno would be foolish to pretend that that wasn't his fault; the issues with Naniko and the lengthy time he had spent away from home to raise his pups when they were small had created quite the rift between the previously close-knit siblings. While the problems between them had seemed to pass, there was still much Ehno had to deal with. Learning about Nani's disappearance had left a bad taste in his mouth, and he found worrisome thoughts often plaguing his mind now. He couldn't help but entertain the thought that she might have left the lands because she'd fallen back into her drug addiction, and it was for that very reason that he couldn't bring himself to share the news with Savina. He was certain that she would come to the same conclusion, and he didn't want to have to face the "I told you so" that would accompany it, unspoken or otherwise.

As much as the thoughts still worried him, he'd managed to push them aside for the day, looking forward to reconnecting with his sister. He grinned at their familiar playful banter. "Ah, but riding out the storms is the most fun!" he joked in turn, offering a fake frown before playfully sticking his tongue out at her. All joking aside, Ehno knew that it probably wouldn't do them any good to find themselves out on the water in this tiny boat when a storm hit. The Marino had a feeling the weather would hold onto this calmness for the day though, and his thoughts turned their focus on the simple and pleasant afternoon they would share together.

Ehno nodded as his sister requested that he show her how to use the oars, holding out the one he held in front of him to properly display how to hold it. "It's easiest to hold it this way," he said, before lifting it over his side of the boat. "It makes it easier to push it through the water." He dipped it into the water, demonstrating how to use it. "Like this." He straightened up and turned his focus back to Savina. "If you take care of that side, and I take care of this one, we should have a smooth and straight ride away from the shore." He smiled at the simplicity of it. Nothing at all like managing the large Spanish vessel, that was for sure.


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