There is Life in every breath

but you're AUNT ERIN Big Grin

He was positively impressed when the cat’s voice too carried the English language elegantly on its tongue. He could only smile at the smaller creature. As far as he had understood, felines were startlingly intelligent creatures, and so how could they be considered lesser creatures? Appreciation was present in the alpha’s face when he looked back to the pale female in the beautiful dress. He turned to lead them into the living room, and felt almost sorry for himself when he saw her face visibly brighten and her voice carry out an exultant yes to tea. There was no doubt that the soothing liquid was a part of her life across the wide ocean as well by the way she reacted to the idea, and he now heavily feared her reaction to his self made drink. His smile seemed to falter slightly, but it was not less genuine by the time it was established again.

”Make yourselves comfortable,” he politely said, gesticulating lightly towards the set of couches set up by the coffee table. He had not expected visitors, and so it was not as shiny and clean as he’d liked it to be, but it was far from messy. There were no longer small children in his house, and so thankfully the house did no longer look like a massacre. Inhaling deeply, he let she know the simple truth. ”Please do not expect anything magnificent; it’s a simple drink that I’ve made to help me relax. It’s probably nothing compared to what you were accustomed to in Japan.” Excusing himself swiftly, he strode into the kitchen and lit the stove. Electricity had long disappeared from these forlorn human towns, but as he had never known such luxury, he got far with some oil and a matchbox.

As the water was warming up, the young male opened several drawers in pursuit of another alternative than his self made tea, but there was nothing else he could offer. Probably just as well, because any remaining herbal tea from the days of humans was bound to be rather tasteless. Finding two most peculiar looking double-spoons like items (Conor did not know the name of this item and nor does his roleplayer, so yeah..) from another drawer, he turned to capture a small spoonful of dried herbs. Placing the two items in two cups, he patiently waited for the water to close in on the boiling point. Just before the steaming water started to boil, he took it off the stove and poured it over the dried herbs and into the cups. He wondered if he should pour up a bowl with tea for the feline as well, but decided to ask when he arrived with the two cups for him and Tsukiko. Glancing down at the red hued liquid in the two beholders, he guessed that he at least managed to get the right appearance, though he could not say whether or not it would please the woman’s taste buds.

Returning to the couch, the male smiled apologetically as he put down the cup before her on the coffee table. ”This is a red clover tea I made myself, so I apologize if the quality is mediocre.” It shouldn’t bother him this much though—at least he had something to offer. He did not know of many canines that regularly drank the hot liquid, but to be honest he was slowly developing the taste for it. There were many other herbal mixtures that he should try out as well. ”Setsuna, would you like some as well?” It would be no problem if the cat wanted a taste as well.

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Table by Siekone

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