Women only get in the way of a bromance


Conor was in no mood to reject friendly company, and swiftly took seat next to the older male. Just to talk and find out about Dahlia’s history. It was a large subject to cover, and the young male was sorry that he was not sitting with the complete information about the pack he had been born into. He had remained though when the rest had disappeared and died. It could be a depressing thought, but Conor was wary and managed to turn it into something less hurtful. He was the first true child of Dahlia, and his was the first litter to be born into Dahlia after its creation. At least he did not have to struggle to figure out where he truly belonged. He had been born here and he would most likely die here as well. It was how it should be.

”It’s good to see you, Saluce,” the male said, finding himself wondering how the dark man’s shop was doing. ”I hear you’ve been busy,” he commented a moment after, a daring grin entering his face. Indeed, Saluce and Layla were already mates and there were even young ones on the way. They did not waste their time. That was a matter of personalities and match ups though. He did not doubt in their love and devotion, but he was a creature that could not move as swiftly as they. Conor did not doubt his emotions for the pale Stormbringer female, but it was hard of him to take the steps leading them closer. She seemed to fully understand this, and supported him—gave him time to figure out how to do this correctly. He had known it for certain the first time they had kissed, that she would be the one.

Perhaps Conor would have started straight on the history of the pack, but Saluce’s next words threw him off his train of thoughts and he was obviously surprised at the man’s insight. ”I’d like to know your sources,” the caramel hued male spoke softly, a recovering smile blooming on his lips in good will. He had not thought the blooming relationship he had with Bris was this obvious. They had lived together in the same house for quite some months before both of their feelings were strong enough to allow them to go one step further. ”We are doing well, I believe. She has a beautiful soul.” She truly did. "And what is this I hear about you and Layla?" the male then wondered, a broad smile stretching across his creamy face.

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