misguided ghost

WC: 446 {3 points}

Layla was glad to see that the loner was enjoying her meal. Should she want any more, there was plenty left. The mistress set out the extra meat as she continued at her piece. It seemed to her now that the female was actually hungrier than she said she was. It was alright though. There was plenty to go around and the day was still young so there was time to just hang out at the beach. The breeze was nice and the water crashing on the shore just made the scenery look spectacular. The mistress felt so at peace here, even if she was sharing a meal with a coyote. She had nothing against coyotes, it was just that she didn’t see many of them around. Dahlia de Mai seemed to consist of all wolves, so it was a bit exciting to spend some time with another canine species. The she wolf’s gaze returned to her guest as she asked if this place was Dahlia de Mai. Obvious from her statement that she didn’t know she was trespassing, the she wolf formed a smile on her face and looked around the sandy land. ”This beach is part of the Dahlia de Mai territory. I don’t think Conor will mind if you are just passing through to get somewhere.” She sure hoped so at least or she could really get into some trouble.

Layla found it no surprise when Clover mentioned that it did get lonely. She could not understand why someone would want to live on their own. It was far too lonely and there was no one there to protect you. Just thinking of that made her think of her sister Noire. She barely knew her but knew that she was a strong and independent wolf. Perhaps she could survive on her own, but definantly not herself. The mistress listened as the loner explained why she never joined Inferni. The she wolf had never journeyed to the pack’s borders so she didn’t know what they were like. Judging from the name of the pack though, it didn’t sound very inviting. As the she wolf went back to her meal, the coyote raised the question as to who was Conor. With a proud smile on her face, she looked to the sky and wagged her tail. ”Conor Soul is the alpha of Dhalia de Mai. He’s kind and accepting so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you joining us.” She was sure it wouldn’t be a problem for a coyote to join a pack of wolves. Layla would be her friend and make sure she was comfortable if she decided to join and Conor let her.

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