Closer and Closer
It's alright. Smile I'm still learning the ropes here myself. 300+

Pixie always hunted in her secui form, and this hunt was no different. Her extra strength and speed had made it easy to bring down three hares, one she had eaten herself and the other two she was carrying in her jaws to bring back to the manor. Magic had come with her to the valley but had gotten so immersed in the endless grass to eat that he had lagged behind a little ways as the wolfess headed towards the forest. She let him take his time; by now, she figured the rest of the pack knew he was her horse and not to be bothered. If not, she assumed that they could tell by the satchet and guitar he carried on his back that morning that he belonged to someone.

She had liked Crimson Dreams so far. Anu and the leader, Savina, seemed nice and friendly, and she hoped that the other wolves were, too. Hopefully, they weren't all serious and didn't mind a joke every now and then like she did. That was the reason why she had left her family pack--mostly the reason why, that is. Other factors included her family's hostility towards Magic and her own desire to explore new places. In any case, she had learned the basic rules of Crimson Dreams and had memorized them as best she could. Living with her small family or on her own most of her life, rules that were set in stone were not something that she was used to.

"I'll figure it out eventually," she muttered.

Then Pixie noticed another wolf traveling through the trees. A pup… Not a young pup, but a pup nevertheless. Finally, a younger wolf--an oddity she had never come across, as she was part of the last litter her parents produced before her departure from her birth pack. What little seriousness and maturity the fun-loving wolf had at the moment slipped away from her. Still in her halfling form, the blue-gray female trotted up to the pup, the hares swinging in her jaws and the red-dyed fur on her head whipping in the breeze.

Hewo,” she greeted him, her voice a little muffled. “How er you doo in? Wat shum foob?


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