effects of a wild man

OOC here!

He suspected her reaction to his introduction was something of a nice to meet you or something but he wasn’t too sure, but soon he realized that the bear was sniffing around, she was probably hungry, what did bears eat? He waited though, if she was looking it must be somewhere nearby.

I’m sorry for my bad wording, I didn’t really expect you to be afraid, more apprehensive I suppose. Well if you always know where north is and the way the moss grows along the trees you are never truly lost now are you?

He’d learned a long time ago, that moss tended to grow on certain spots on trees in certain areas and the sun always rose and set in the same spots more or less. He continued to watch her as she sorted though the car, which was unyielding. Then she turned is question on him.

I’m from the southwest myself, traveled over the big lakes. I have been a wanderer most of my life, I must say I’m ready to settle down now myself though.

He watched as she continued to look around, not feeling nervous that she would come up and eat him, he doubted bears ate wolves.

Are you looking for something?

He asked a curious tone in his voice, as his eyes moved over Malachi, watching her sniffing around kind of made his own stomach rumble, it’d been a while since he himself had eaten, though he was not going hunting and leaving her here still unsure about both wood and city.

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