Playing the tune

OOC here!

He was not in any way disappointed in the fact the white wolf could not perform music, because it was not for all wolves though she wanted to prove that she did have some sort of talent, and she proved to make him quite interested.

writing is a lovely thing. It lasts most of the tests of times, the humans have proved that, there are some that are so old that are enclosed in special things that make them last, you have a very great talent.

He said and listened as she remarked that she’d met few wolves that really did use the arts. He bit his lip thinking, her mention of other packs not caring for such a thing was astounding, well he doubted it was like that but to not have the arts is to not have leisure, so they had to have something of the sort. His thoughts carried on, he had been thinking of settling down, but he didn’t want a pack as stern as his fathers’ and the way the other wolf made it sound… they were all like that.

What if, just for talkings sake, I was to make such a pack? Would it work?

He said aloud, in a distracted tone, this did make him think and that’s what he liked to do, let his brain work out problems, and a pack with light restrictions was definitely something to think about

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