There is Life in every breath

yes I are! and I does loves my nephew, I does X3 500+

The pair followed the leader into his large abode, Tsukiko's eyes tracing over all the things that were strange to her. Houses were constructed quite differently here in the west, with quite varied aesthetic tastes. Of course she found the architecture of her country more beautiful and exquisite, but that was not to say that she found the Victorian house displeasing to her eye. It was merely another change, and something that would require time to adjust. With her observations she missed the slight faltering in Conor's smile, and her attention was only fully returned to the man when he asked them to make themselves comfortable. Cerulean eyes looked to the seating laid out before her. They sat upon these things instead of the floor? How odd. Of course her manners held her tongue though, and she politely settled herself on one of the cushy couches. "It is very soft," she commented. Setsuna jumped up beside her and took her own seat.

Before Conor left the room to prepare the tea, he offered an explanation to the quality of his tea, seemingly embarrassed. Before she could say anything in response though, he had excused himself. After he had been gone a moment, she spoke softly to Setsuna. "Kareha hijouni kanji ga yoi youni omowa remasu." The black feline nodded her head. "Hai. Nippon no ketaka sayori kotonaru ga ooku ha saishou nomononi mondai gaarimasen." Yes, Conor was unlike any leader that she had ever come across before. Layla's description of him had been wholly correct, he did not seem to like to take advantage of his station. Suddenly, another curiosity occurred to the Shimazu daughter: there were no servants. Conor had gone to prepare the tea himself and while there were other scents in the house, she saw no one doing any kinds of chores or tasks. "Koreha nanto iu kimyou na kuni nanoka," she commented. It was not at all hard to imagine how far away this land was from Japan. It almost felt as if she had gone to another existence entirely.

Conor returned to the room with with the tea and placed a cup down before her on the table. As he explained the brew he had made, Tsukiko put her nose above the cup and sniffed at it. It had a strange yet nice aroma, definitely not unpleasant. She looked back to the male and gave him a smile. "It may be different, but I am sure it is not bad." It was very polite of him to offer some tea to Setsuna as well, but she shook her head. "Thank you, but I am fine." Tsukiko took the cup up and blew on the hot tea before take a sip of it. There were many flavors she could detect on her tongue, very different than the tea she was used to, but she liked the varieties of it. "It is quite interesting, and calming too. Thank you Conor-sama. Perhaps soon I may give you some of the tea of my country." Tea was important in Japan, and she would be happy to share what little she had with the leader.

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