Stopping for a brief Respite

ooc goodnesssss

Ruri listened to Niro's instructions, agreeing that a fight between her cat and Niro's eagle would be quite unpleasant indeed. Milky blue eyes wandered as she awaited the eagle's approach. The click-click of her talons on the wood of the porch informed Ruri just how close the bird was before she flapped and landed on her leg, ever so gently. Half-folded ears perked as she heard her almost silent feline rise from his sitting position, ready to rush to his mistress' aid at the first provocation. A delicate, white hand was held out flat towards the kitten, and her face turned towards him, hoping he would see her reassuring smile. "Easy Soleil, you don't have to worry about her," she cooed, wishing to ease her feline companion's anxiety over the large bird. Soleil's posture almost immediately relaxed and he managed to ease himself onto his haunches, though his gleaming green eyes never left the bird. They seemed to speak an unspoken warning to the feathered creature that if she so much as thought of hurting Ruri, he would make her regret it. Though, it was likely only an empty threat.

Satisfied that her cat would leave the large bird alone, Ruri turned her attention back to Marahute who still sat, gently perched on her thigh. While one hand still rested on her belly, the other reached out to touch the eagle. She hadn't ever had the chance to feel a bird like this. This would give her a much clearer picture of just how big an eagle was. Softly, her delicate fingers gently landed on the bird's back, slowly tracing a line down from Marahute's shoulders to the tip of her wing."She's so soft! I don't know why, but I thought a big bird like this would be a bit...I don't know...tougher on the outside, I guess," she exclaimed, her face aglow with excitement. This was, in all likelihood, the first bird Ruri had ever touched. She knew what their feather's felt like, for she had found them before, but she had never, ever, touched a living bird before.

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