
-300 words.

His ears twitched, flopping to the side before straightening atop his head again. The stranger was causing him less anxiety each moment he stood there, as Kambujiya realized he wasn't a threat. Instead, he smelled familiar, like the lands around them; the pup assumed he was part of the Cour des Miracles after a moment of remember where he was. Though he was grateful for being brought there, he was still disoriented from the loss of his mother and siblings and found meeting new people to be difficult.

The male asked to see his toes after Kam had complained of them hurting and he warily reached out a forepaw, spreading his toes out to try and make seeing between them easier. "Hurt alot when I fall," he explained, his shoulders shrugging as he lowered the paw once more. The sight of the bird that popped up behind the male's head startled the pup, who shuffled backwards, creating a wall of dirt against his rear. His eyes widened, but the eagle didn't seem to pose a threat, making a noise instead of lunging towards Kambujiya.

Though it caused him to relax, he didn't let his guard down, even as introductions were made. The wolf was Niro, and the eagle was named Marahute; Kambujiya wondered why a bird would need a name, but didn't voice his curiosity. Instead, his tail thumped the ground lazily. "'m Kam. Live over dere," he stated, nose turning to the direction of Vigilante's home. He had tried not to leave the King's presence for long unless told to stay put, still uneasy around everyone else, even those who lived nearby.

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