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ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; 479 words

Ouija was still on his collection quest. He was hunting through all of the old buildings of the city in order to find things that he would need to restock from his spur of the moment move. There were things the water would have ruined if they had been brought along. Chalk was one of them. While it might have made the trip it wouldn't have written exactly right. At least that had happened to him before after having left a bit out in the rain. It just hadn't worked right for him after that. The feeling was no longer the same, or at least that is the way that he ended up feeling about it. Because of that he hadn't brought any with him on the trip over.

He walked up to the large building that had plant life clinging to it. He had only paused outside for a moment in order to stare at it before deciding to head on inside. He was in his optime form with his self made satchel slung across his back. His few personal possessions remained within there since he hadn't exactly settled on a place in which to store things so he had his athames, voodoo dolls, and candles with him still. And of course there was the gris gris around his neck. Other than that there was nothing else on her person. He hadn't taken to wearing clothing as seemed to be the trend. Instead he stained his fur with whatever colors he could manage to find. Right now, with winter on its way, his colors were muted. He would have to find anything that he possibly could in order to change the color.

He walked through the hallways of the building, peeking into rooms to try and find things of interest. Trying to find things that he could actually use. Though what he found in one room certainly wasn't what he expected at all. "Allo." He called out to the two already occupying the room with a slight wave. He openly looked over each wolf in turn, not bothering to hide his roaming gaze. The others being the same gender of himself hadn't stopped him from openly checking each out in turn. Why should it? The grandfather that he had gotten a great deal of his genetics from had a male mate as well as a female mate at one point, his grandmother having done the same. He had even caught his mother with a female from time to time. So with all of this why should the matter of gender bother him? He'd been with both, at the same time, so it really wasn't a big deal. Nor was the way that he was making a visual map of the other two canine's bodies. He was an open flirt, another thing that seemed to run in the family.


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