riddle me this

This post is sososo late, I'm sorry.

His introduction brought about the reminder that she should introduce herself, but the girl found herself momentarily marveling at the strangeness of his name—though that was just her opinion—and tested the sound of it. “Conor,” running her tongue over her front teeth in thought, she ultimately tilted her head toward him with respect for his title. “Your name is vastly different than those I’ve heard before. My name’s Tempest.” He told her that the travelers hadn't been lying, and a relieved sensation swept over her. How stupid would she have felt if she'd been taken for a fool?

This seemed like a decent place to call home, though she would have to avoid the cemetery at night. Even now, the eerie shadows cast by branches and tombstones alike were frightening. Conor's question wasn't so much of a surprise as it was foreign. Having never been part of something that wasn't a family or business, the idea of taking up ranks here seemed extremely daunting. Nevertheless, her answer she gave hid her worry well. "I do, so long as you'd have me." Her talents were limited to making lutes and clothes, but she was young and eager to learn just about anything.


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