Pleasure is mine ^^; and aye, I too started out with a puppy when I first joined 'Souls. Conor here is actually that wolf's grandbebbi! 8D It helps you settle better with the character, I feel, when you can develop the personality in your own pace.

       It was not possible to avoid the child’s initial reaction to what could seem to be his sudden presence. Soft lavender orbs studied the little form, hoping that she would be able to recognize the friendliness he harboured. Eyes narrowed slightly as the little female shook her head, but he could not determine if that was an answer to his question or not. She seemed a bit lost indeed, but perhaps that was because she was faced with a complete stranger. If her parents had taught her well, he could even risk her fleeing deeper into the territory, as strangers could be quite dangerous. This was true, but even if she did not know this yet, she was safe. She was his responsibility now.

The corners of his lips curled pleasantly as a timid, hesitant voice rose to bring forth a “hello”. And there was the shook of her little head again, and as her words attempted to stumble forth, he got the answer to his question. Furry brows rose in a rather questioning manner as he watched her, waited for her to finish the sentence she had started. Instead, he received the truth. His own ears pulled backwards as well then, though the adult’s white tipped tail moved slowly behind his coin hued form. Her stomach’s vocal complaint did not escape him, and the male allowed a soft chuckle to dance forth upon the cool autumn air.

This, however, could mean that she was probably farther away from her parents than he had initially thought. ”When was the last time you saw your parents?” the male kindly asked, settling on his haunches comfortably. ”..and when was the last time you ate?” This last question brought the intensity of the smile back to the adult’s handsome face. If nothing more, he could at least offer her a meal if it was established that she was so far from home that they would have to wait until the next day to find her mother and father.


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