ooc: yep, it certainly does! well, I'll stick around for long enough to watch him grow even more. =D I really enjoy this site!

Her muscles relaxed as she heard him chuckle, but the inevitable question about her parents made her sight blurry. However, that was no time for showing weaknesses. Encouraging herself with the last doses of energy she gathered from the depths of her body, she met the male's gaze with a pair of glimmering eyes. "I last saw mother two days ago." She began on a shaky voice. She had been raised by her mother since she could remember, so the absence of a father didn't really affect her much. "I thought that, maybe, I could meet up with her. But she wasn't anywhere, so I kept going.". As she recalled the steps of her journey, her mind cleared up steadily. Her psyche was finally fighting off the feebleness that lurked from the darkest corners of her being. She was regaining control of herself and it was all thanks to the presence of the wolf who, strangely enough, now seemed to embody the security she has longed for.

Mia Tuk lightened up as she was asked about her last meal. "Yesterday!" She answered, suddenly gleeful. "I ate a... mouse-thingy." She said, making faces as she tried to describe the tiny creature from the day before. "I caught it myself!" She puffed her chest and stood up tall, her eyes closed, as if she had managed to change the course of the world. "It was right near a bush and it was rummaging through... erm, yeah. And I crept up on it and then!" She paused for the dramatic effect. "I had it in my jaws!" She chuckled proudly. Of course, she wouldn't want to go into details and explain just how everything happened and how she had struggled to get her meal. It hadn't been half as easy as it sounded, but she wouldn't mention all the falls and slips and trips she faced.

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