Cercatori D'Arte

They were soon joined by another who seemed to know Shawchert, and with her arrival the big wolf stopped the melody of his flute and began to address those gathered. Were they to be the only ones to gather here today? To be honest though, Lucia hadn't been sure what to expect at all from this. It was good enough for her that this was happening at all, and that it wasn't just some foolish dream. Gem-like eyes studied each of the canines in silence as their soon-to-be leader began to speak.

He was interrupted, however, by the approach of a rather peculiar looking wolf. With a pelt splashed with various colours and symbols, he certainly seemed to be an eccentric one, and quite curious judging from the questions he fired off as he approached. Interestingly enough, Shaw didn't seem to be bothered, simply explaining the situation before continuing on with his speech. The Marino girl's gaze lingered on him for a moment longer, wondering just why he would choose to walk around with such a colourful appearance.

Lucia then focused her attention on Shawchert and the one who introduced herself as Skye. It seemed appropriate enough to the sandy-furred wolf that they should give a speech of sorts, but their words held just enough of touch of stiff formality, of carefully calculated words, that Lucia almost felt the need to roll her eyes. But she couldn't deny that the words they spoke rang true within her too, and she gave them her full attention.

When silence fell upon the little group, Lucia glanced around uncomfortably, feeling a need to speak up to break the silence, but unsure of what to say. An introduction, perhaps? Couldn't go wrong with that. "Um. I'm Lucia Marino. I'm glad to be meeting you all, and creating a new home with you." She tried to grasp for more words, but found none. Short, sweet, and to the point, then.


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