ooc: I'd love it if she'd be accepted among them! And yep, I want us to continue this thread for now xD Thank you for being such a great RP-ing comrade! *lol* Oh...here *offers sweets*

"Five pups?" She asked, her ears pricked as her paws came to a halt. She had been the only one in her litter and the thought of meeting up with new pups simply made her even more excited than before - if that was even possible. "I want to make friends with them soon! Do you think they'll like me?" She asked, her face slightly affected by a trace of concern, even though it was obvious that she was very eager to meet everyone. In fact she wished they could grow wings to carry them faster to the others. She was about to enter a new family, wasn't quite sure if that was even temporary or not, but part of her knew that she would never return to the place she had once called home. "Bris...I like that name. Is she your mate?" She stopped suddenly, and her ears flattened completely against her head. "Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Sheesh, big-mouth, can't you ever keep it zipped? But it wasn't entirely her fault , now, was it? Enthusiasm always tended to take control over her mouth and she just couldn't fight it off right away. It didn't get her into much trouble until then, but if she kept going on like that, then she was sure to encounter some problems at a given moment. She felt downright guilty, nevertheless, and expected Conor to be at least upset for her lack of subtlety. She wouldn't blame him at all, though. Being questioned like that was probably something a pack leader didn't feel very comfortable with.

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