Closer and Closer
It's cool. Smile


Pixie nodded and smiled. “Well, then, nice to meet you, Silvano.” Another name from some sort of foreign country. A nice name, but the wolfess would enjoy it more if she knew what its origin was. “Where is your mother from, Silvano?” Both the pup and his mother carried an accent, though the boy’s was less obvious. It was unlike any Pixie had ever heard before, and she figured there was a language associated with it as well—a good thing for someone who had always wondered what it would be like to write a song in a different language.

Of course not,” she said quickly, narrowing her bright eyes. “I was just wondering if you had, since I’ve seen the other packs with horses and I figured you’re not all mortal enemies. But I don’t blame you for not seeing one—I haven’t seen any other Crimson Dreams wolves with horses.” In a way, it was good that Magic was the only horse in the pack; Pixie was unsure how he would react to others of his kind after not living with them for so long. But she was worried that the stallion would get lonely after a while. Hopefully those goats by the cottage weren’t aggressive. And if more members of the pack, like Silvano, got to know the chestnut horse better, he would have many friends indeed.

She watched the boy’s face change from eagerness to disappointment in a flash, frowning as she remembered the frustration she felt when she was that age, waiting for the day when she could finally shift. “I understand how hard it is to wait for yourself to shift. But you’ll get it eventually. Every Luperci does.” At his question, she thought for a moment. “I think I was asleep when it happened. I woke up to find I was in my optime form. And then I wondered if I could shift into secui form, and next thing I knew, I was changing into it. All it takes is a single thought to shift, once your body is ready for it.


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