going on a bear hunt
ooc;; <3

Green eyes were captivated by the squirming bundles of dark fur on his brothers bed. It was safe to say that the young male was suffering here, from shock and disbelief. The Stormbringer brood had turned seven months old today and Gideon had managed to make himself a father to some abandoned pups. It was absolutely crazy and Saul's brain did not know what to make of it, not one bit. Gideon was responsible for a being other than himself, two beings in fact. He was numb at the moment. However, he moved forward, taking in Gideon's room and allowing a soft smile to polish his face. For a moment, he stood by the bed, muzzle hestitating by their forms, before he took a deep breath and pushed forward. In the age-old guesture, Saul sniffed Gideon's children from head to tail, trying to find something, anything, that could hint to who they actually belonged to. His brothers tone interupted him and Saul laughed aloud.

His brother had, incorrectly, made the assumption that he was good at hunting because he had survived on his own in the wild for two months. But it seemed as though Gideon's eyes had been blinded to the misfortune of others, for Saul was still dangerously thin. His cheekbones stuck out at angles, his ribs could be so easily counted on both sides of his body. His legs were slimmer than they should be and his coat still hummed with the dullness that came with a lack of nutrition. If he bared his teeth at his brother, Saul could show him the pale pinkness of his gums, another sign that he was not eating properly. However, something in his mind stopped him from pointing out his brothers mistakes. He wanted his brother to think this of him- he wanted his brother to be impressed that he was a good hunter. So he turned with a smile and nodded eagerly.

"It took me a while, but once I got the hang of it, the rabbits were no match for my ninja-skills. I'll have to teach my baby brother how to hunt the rabbits, and he can teach me to catch the fish. Maybe when it gets warmer again, we can go to the river and fish! Suviving is easy when you have to..."

His last sentence was delivered with a rather penseive tone. However, his brother had spoken again and Saul was nothing if he wasnt a listener. As the story unfolded, Saul looked from his brother to his children (as they were now) and felt a bubble of pride in his stomach. His baby brother had been brave enough to jump into a fire for a satchel that he didnt even know had living creatures inside it. Green eyes shone with this pride, his tail wagging behind him as he reached around his brothers neck for the second cuddle of their meeting. However, as well as the pride in his stomach, there was something else. Something he could not put his paw on. He tried pushing it aside, shining his brother a smile as he pulled back from the embrace.

"Well congratulations, Superman. Melee and Range are very lucky to have a daddy like you. I guess that means I have a niece and a nephew, right?"

He pondered after this for a moment. They were techinically, by blood, related to Conor. However, through adoption, they were related to Gideon, Saul, Ascher, Shiloh and Bris. It seemed as though, through these pups, their hypothetical family had become an actual family, even it it was just through adoption. A gentle smile stained his lips as he watched one of them yawn and rub its muzzle against its brother or sister. He had no idea which one was which, so he would refer to them as 'it' until he did. A gentle chuckle escaped him as he glanced back at Gideon and twisted his head.

"I think they're sleepy?"

His voice was uncertain and Saul realised that, for the first time in his life, he was way out of his depth. There was nothing he knew about pups, no way for him to lead his brother. His brother had broken away from their foursome and found a family of his own in their absence. He didnt know what to say to Gideon, how to act. He was sure he would learn all these things in time, but the feeling of falling had seized the young Stormbringer and he seemed unable to shake it off.

word count;; 756


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