going on a bear hunt

We should have them run into some predicament!

Gideon was very large for his age, and it was almost certain that he would only grow to be bigger and bigger. Their mother had been quite large, and he wondered if his siblings would also grow to be around the same size as she had been and as he was becoming. There was one thing that the male had been worrying about for the last month or so, ever since he had seen his best friend Nayru this way. Shifting. She was able to do it, now, and he was very curious about it…but also very afraid of it. Would it just happen to him someday? Or would he be able to control it? There were so many questions.

Gideon had indeed noticed that Saul was thin, but hadn’t made the connection between that and hunting for food. Saul was alive, which meant that he had to have caught enough food to live. That fact was enough for the young male to respect his brother. Perhaps Gideon was so large because of the nutrition that he had received while growing up. Aunt Bris and Conor had always kept him very well fed, after all. He nodded at the invitation of hunting lessons. It was something to think about for when the pups were a bit older. There was one part of what his sibling had said that he did not understand, though. ”What is a ninja, brother?”

He was very protective of the pups, especially with them being so young. At first he hadn’t wanted anyone near them at all besides the very closest members of the family, overly afraid for the pups’ safety, but was a little more relaxed now. He wouldn’t mind introducing them to other members of the pack and allowing them to meet. He felt completely at ease with Saul here, as Saul was his brother. Gideon nodded when Saul asked about them being his niece and nephew. That was correct! ”I guess since I adopted them..then I am their dad”

The pups were indeed sleepy, not waking up even with the pair’s voices so nearby. ”They do seem sleepy. But that’s a good thing, they need their nap. Melee is the darker one, and the boy Range is the lighter one. Melee has a twisted paw on her front foot…but it has always been that way. She can still get around. While they’re asleep, we should go out for a run or something quick. I don’t get out of the house much.” He said .There was one thing that he had been thinking a lot about lately, though, and it sidetracked him as he turned back for the door. ”I have something for you, though, before we go. You can take it when we get back, if you want. Aunt Bris gave me a dagger that dad had left for me...it’s really nice. I do like it, but I don’t like to fight unless I have to and I definitely never want to use it. Do you think you would use it…after you learn how to shift? It’s inside that box..up there on the dresser.” He’d just spoken of the other thought that had been plaguing him lately. ”I’m a little scared of shifting.” He admitted.

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