[M] i smell a massacre.

lost this fucking post so it's not that good blah.

The sable-shaded woman watched as the man dismounted from his horse, lighting on the ground with surprising lightness. For his size, the sable-shaded woman still could not help but expect lethargy and heaviness to his movements; she was quickly refuted by his movement, which at once seemed deliberate and calculated yet fluid and light. “Must be nice,” the chartreuse-eyed woman said, hoping to disguise the jealousy of her position. The sable-shaded coyote saw that Larkspur had a horse, and she saw that Cotl had a horse, as well—why could she not enjoy the same simple pleasures? Of course, Eris failed to take into account the care and maintenance required by horses, and she did not realize the full scope of responsibility owning a horse required. Whatever stables the Kimaris family had maintained were operated by workers and slaves.

“What's a little distance when there's no reason to be close?” the hybrid said, derisive of her family and everything they stood for. She was an outsider—a too-wolfish anomaly that had been thrown in amongst the coyotes. She was no more or less wolf than her eldest brothers, and yet she looked the part perfectly. For the sable woman's physical appearance, there was hardly a whisper of coyote, and only extensively trained eyes might immediately seek to label her a hybrid. She did not belong in Inferni, and she knew it as well as they did—it was no secret that the coal-colored woman was unwanted, most of all by her own mother. Eris could not even hope to ever understand why, but she had long begun to suspect it had to do with her paternal heritage.

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