Handful of Clouds

So Meghann can just pop Vigilante in whenever she wants and Ever be all loopy Big Grin


The girl had never heard a proposal before. She never really thought about it, only when she had first seen Vigilante and Ayita together. Scenes of their love she had experienced had not made her jealous or angry, just small. They also brought a few stray thoughts about the future which the female had stored for special moments like these.

At first his words were a blur; mouth moving across tongue and teeth in a fluid motion that seemed to melt into themselves. The girl could have guessed what her expression was – bright, soft, and puzzled. Head tilted ever so slightly, body angled towards the male she had come to breathe in every last of his scent to remember. But the sound finally reached her amber ears, which flung back against her head so rapidly she could feel the cold of the air between them.

When she was floating in his disheveled eyes life seemed fine, grand, purposeful for the first time since she had arrived in this area. But soon the weight of what the male had said, more hurriedly becoming clear in the female’s head, dropped her ungracefully back into the ghost of her unmoving body. Ever’s paws went numb and her breath came in slow gulps of air.

This was what she wanted. Right? It killed her inside out for her to question, but just looking at the quad form of her friend seemed to destroy her mind. Mates. The single word remained only slightly torn. He was hers now. Not officially, since she hadn’t replied, but the word brought such furious warmth that the girl heard herself force out a purr like sound. Ever could never forget. His actions had left a dark memory in her thoughts. They couldn’t do so many things.

Suddenly, the future frightened the girl. So frightening that Ever burst out of her strange hot and cold faze. She took a step back, to look at the male’s entire face. Her paws itched to move forward again, but that would be silly, like putting the sun in the sky but then deciding it was time for the moon. She knew about many things Ezra didn’t. Like how even a second of love could exchange her gene into him. Stunning, yes, but horrifying most likely in his mind. By the time Ever finally realized she had not replied, she was already too stiff to speak.

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Table by Sie-Cakes!


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