The knack of flying

Hiya! <3

As his glazed eyes focused more, Oran realized it was a bird he recognized. Not only by species, but specifically; he just...didn't know where from. Squinting at it, he lifted a hand, and the bird twisted its head to watch him. He patted its feathers absently, searching his fuzzier-than-usual memory. He was extremely glad for the numbness in his body, true, but he would have been glad for a sharper mind. He should have used non-drowsy stuff...and the origins of that thought were unknown, too.

Red-tailed Hawk. He said finally, tilting his head as the bird cawed. Was that supposed to be an affirmative? He thought so. The rusty tail was a bit of a clue. His hand moved to his own red mane, tugging on the fur thoughtfully before he jostled his knee a bit. Talons dug into his skin, and wings rustled scornfully as the hawk's head twisted to focus a single golden eye on him. They were broken out of their study of each other as a sudden growling filled the air, and Oran lifted his head slowly, focusing his eyes even more slowly on the apparently offended female.

The hawk climbed its way up onto his shoulder, cocking its head a bit, and the two of them stared at her. Oran felt the twinges of panic and distrust rising in him, and he bared his teeth, struggling into a more upright position and laying his ears back, though he couldn't quite get his throat to work into a growl. He braced one hand against the wall, leaning forward slightly and glaring at her even as she spoke.

He was certain this wasn't claimed territory; he'd been careful. So there was no reason for her to react so hostilely, not unless there was something he was missing--and he didn't doubt there was, although he didn't think any of them should result in an attack. His mind was too fuzzy for him to think clearly about this; he wanted to attack her...and yet some part of him saw no reason to do so.

He blinked as he realized what that meant. Was she not a threat? In his drugged state, where he should have seen even the bird dangerous, Oran didn't think so. He slumped back down, his snarl disappearing as he returned to staring at her in blank confusion. The hawk resettled itself on his shoulder, chirping lightly, and began running its beak through the fur around his ear, which seemed strangely natural to him. Finally his maw opened, and he thought of something to say.

Go away.

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