Burnin' your ticket for that long black train

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Jenny/Kiri; 534 words

Ouija had kept his distance once the first bit of shrubbery had started to rain down. With a chuckles he shook his head as he watched the antics of another from a safe distance away on the ground below. Why would someone travel close to where things were raining down from above? It didn't make a bit of sense to him at all. And others thought him to be the weird one considering what his beliefs and practices were. But at least he had enough sense to wait for the tumult to end before approaching.

And by the time he got to where the other was there turned out to be two rather than one. The large male shook his head with a chuckle as he put two and two together. The appearance of the other must have caused a land slide. An ear twitched as he took in the words of the other two. "Of course he is okay. A pebble like that couldn't even come close to harming this brave and talented young man." The words were spoken with a smile as openly let his gaze roam over each male in turn. Gender had never particularly mattered to him. Why should it when you was used to multiple swappings of partners within a single night.

Being in optime form Ouija moved over to kneel between the two, mainly to put him at and easier level with the other two... or most particularly with Oran, with Ouija being as large as he was. "How about on your next trip up why don't you see if you can find a shiny rock to knock loose? I am sure that you are strong and able bodied enough to find something like that and be able to complete the task." The words were practically spoken in a low purr as Ouija focused his attention solely on Oran for a moment. He had also reached out a large hand to try to lightly and gently stroke the side of Oran's face as he spoke to the other.

Of course he didn't leave Noah without attention for too long. Actually after he got done whispering to Oran he focused his attention on Noah. "Actually it should be asked if you are okay. You were the one standing below where everything was falling towards." He gave Noah another quick once over. "Were you able to escape without injury?" He asked as he finally focused his gaze on Noah's face.

And then, as if he was unable to help himself, he glanced between the two males once again. "Though if either of you have wounds that need to be licked clean..." He let the words trail off for a moment before trying to catch Oran's eyes with his own. "Especially you..." He tagged on the words but had still never completed the thought. But then again he figured that each of the two were mentally capable enough to finish the thought themselves. Or they could end up putting their own little twist on it. After all, that was one of the reasons that he had left it incomplete and hanging. He wanted to see which way their minds would wander.


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