A Broken People//
Table By Dai-Dai

http://i317.photobucket.com/albums/mm39 ... itachi.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
OOC: <3

they've come to get me again

"Speak to me. ", ”I think of you” My muscles move ”Darkness reigns…”

Have you never danced before? Truly? Then allow me; I'll show you how to dance. First you step in closer. Closer...don't be scared, I would never hurt you, you know I wouldn't dare. Next I'll take your hand, place one around your waist. No no, keep looking up, you just watch my face. Now I'll step towards you and you'll have to step back. Yes! That's the way, exactly like that. The rest is pretty simple, just mirror all I do. Wait, I'll put up some music, and then I'll dance with you. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but usually it gets a little intimate. Am I speaking from experience? Well maybe just a little bit. You're sure you want me to show you? "Have you never really been kissed?" Alright then, close your eyes, it goes a little like this...


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