Dwindle and Fade
300+ words

She opened her eyes to reveal pools of pale blue and Kambujiya simply gazed in silence. Blue eyes were nothing he'd seen before, the sight shocking for him. The recognition brought a wash of joy from the tips of his ears to the tip of his tail and all of the fur and toes in between; the fact that she didn't ignore him was a happy occasion. True, no one had ignored him yet, but it was a possibility. He was young, he was strange, and perhaps they would simply not want to deal with a child's mind. But Niro, and Vigilante, and now this young woman all accepted his presence without irritation.

His greeting was simple, taking his narrow perceptions of the woman as he knew her to craft a sentence that might break the ice. You looks sleepy was all he could muster, but he thought it was accurate. Her eyes were closed, after all, and she was lying down. That heralded sleep in most cases.

But her eyes were open now! Her eyes were open, she had rolled over and smiled. Maybe she hadn't been as sleepy as he had first assumed. His lips appeared to curl upwards as best as a Lupus could as she spoke; "And you don't, little one." It made the pup laugh brightly, rolling onto his back.

"I ain't sleepy, that's a silly." He shook his head and reached his nose towards her, sniffing at the air. His interactions with females were limited and, other than his mother, this was the first adult female he had met in his lifetime. Of course, the place he now lived in smelled like other females, but he didn't seek them out.

Rolling back to his stomach, he inched forward slowly. His brown eyes scanned her grey, patterned pelt curiously. Though he had come to expect that the others around him weren't going to be a bland, solid hue, he was still getting used to the concept of patterned fur. "You gots pretties colors. 'M Kam!"


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