we have big dreams & big dream takers

decent reply time? wut? XD 300+

Cambria was a pretty understanding wolf when it came to most things. The only subject that she was adamant about was that drugs were evil things that only brought people harm and misery. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that would ever change the Marino's mind on that front. Not after what she had endured as a child due to the mind altering substance she had been unwillingly subjected to. She doubted she could even be friends with someone who partook in those substances. So far in her life there was no issue with that though. It had become very clear after the fallen leader's actions that those things would not be tolerated in Crimson Dreams, and to her knowledge none of her friends or relatives outside her home used the evil things either.

The girl had never thought much about death, or what one would do with a dear friend that had died. Morbid thoughts of wishing her own life was lost had haunted her at times, but that was mostly due to the depression her accident had caused. Since then, no one she cared about had died. No one she had even known had died. The girl had never known any of her grandparents and all her other relatives were still in the prime of life. Thinking about the human practices though, she knew that she would want a place to visit someone she lost, whenever such a tragedy would occur. Despite the darkness of death, it was a comforting thought.

Conor's excited exclamation about her news caused the cocoa fey to giggle happily. It was a very happy occasion, and she was glad to see her favored cousin so enthusiastic about it. Her tail waved back and forth airily as he questioned her about her little siblings. "It was a litter of three, just like mine, two girls and a boy. The boy is Silvano. I think he's going to be very smart, and he's pretty independent already." He had attempted the stairs on his own not that long ago, wanting to master them himself. "Artemis and Parker are my sisters. Artemis is very adventurous and outgoing, I think she'll cause us all our fair share of headaches. Parker is a little angel. It's odd, she hasn't said a word yet, but she's not impaired. You just look at her eyes and you know that she's bright." Her little sister's refusal or inability to speak was a mystery to them all, but they loved her just as much as the other two.

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