[M] i smell a massacre.

The sable-shaded woman did not think she had anything worth dying for in life—her family either rejected her or was outright wary of her. The only ones who seemed to have no pre-formulated opinion were the young ones, those who were born after she was gone and supposed to be little more than a distant memory. There was no driving motivation behind the sable-shaded woman, pressing her forth—perhaps such a thing should have driven her into madness, but the coal-colored woman was raised with a lack of purpose. It was not as if the Kimaris family had given her anything but material wealth, either—she could cleanly discount whatever affection they had shown her for the brutality they had left her with.

Her chartreuse eyes did not waver away from his face as he spoke; either she was deficient of instinct or otherwise indifferent to it. Rank hardly mattered here, and as the wolfish Lykoi had been raised in a truer coyote social structure than even Inferni itself, Eris hardly even thought it pertinent. “Us?” she asked, innocently enough—just what did he mean by this? Burning alive certainly did not seem like a kindly way to go, and her yellow-green eyes focused even more intensely on him at this. “For sacrifice,” she said, confidently—the sable-colored woman understood this more than anything, and she did not consider that Larkspur's ancestors might have considered some other purpose for their flesh-consuming fires.

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