[M] i smell a massacre.

His laughter was deep, and it surprised her into startling for just an instant, a visible jerk at the sudden noise. It was gone as quickly as it had come, however, and the sable-shaded woman was relaxed again—she did not fear him, though maybe she should have. He had no reason to fear her—Eris was not typically a creature inclined toward violence, not usually, anyway. Even if she was such a creature, she possessed little in the way of combat skills, and even less in the way of physical strength.

He spoke, again, and the sable hybrid hardly flinched, her expression remaining stiff until he spoke his last sentence. Then, a twist of something that might have been sympathetic appeared on her face. She had never felt anything for those her family and friends in Eterne had torn apart; she felt nothing for the animals or even other canines she herself had killed. There was nothing in Eris for Noir, either. Sacrifice, being used for the greater good and a larger purpose, was the pinnacle of these creatures' potential, in many cases. But not him—not Larkspur. To have destroyed him in an attempt to glean whatever magic he held would have been a far greater crime.

“Then I guess we're stuck being sinners, hmm? Better doomed than a pile of ash.”

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