now, after the fact


Gabriel was a patient man.

This was something that he had learned as the years went by. In his younger days he had been eager and needed results then and there. Now that he was in the fifth year of his life on earth the coy-wolf was a prime example of a predator. He observed more then he spoke. This was something he had learned years ago, in Scintilla. There, the eyes of strangers had seen him for what he was and cursed the blood that gave him power. Wolf. Their eyes always said wolf even if none of them would dare speak it aloud. They had feared him, and Gabriel had earned that fear the day he went to war. Though they had respected his prowess in battle, they would still look at him with those accusations in their eyes.

Kesho had been no different. Gabriel had seen the same thing in his eyes at the meeting, though he allowed the issue to simmer. It was not his place to cause due unrest amongst the clan. Whatever he felt about them personally was not allowed to be seen. He was a leader who knew his role, and who knew it well. Yet he also knew that embers would turn into fire if left to sit, and he would not allow Inferni to suffer from anything that did not come from outside of its borders.

So Gabriel had waited, and he had watched. His sable coat allowed for him to vanish in the twilight, though it was still too early for this to happen. For his size, Gabriel was surprisingly quiet—he had unfortunately lost much of his speed as he had aged, the old wound in his shoulder now allowing for too much exertion any longer—and stalked his clan-mate as he might a prey animal. When he was certain they were alone, he crept out of the underbrush and made his way to the stream as well. He did not initate a conversation, but rather joined his companion in drinking the icy water.

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