
WC: 356 (3 Points) OOC ^^

Niro was happy the puppy took the praise well, he knew that meant a healthy mind, which he wasn’t worried about, but it was always a good sign. He followed in near silence until he asked his questions. He imagined what the pup was talking about. A warm dirty place? Could it have been a den? That was the best Niro could think of. Though Kam’s comment made Niro’s heart sink, he didn’t have a mother? Niro knew first hand what it was like to live without parents, though he’d had them for his first six months, he was able to learn how to hunt and fend for himself before they had been either killed or chased off. He’d not seen them since that day though. His heart twinged for the puppy. He didn’t seem too entirely sad though, Niro was sure that Vigil and Ayita were taking very good care of him. He couldn’t help but smile as the puppy pretty much showed Niro how slow he was going, though he was doing the best he could to hurry his tail up.

Oh I was born a very far ways away from here, it’s the southern lands, so far south that it never got cold and it never snowed. We didn’t like it there, there were bad wolves there, ones that had taken my parents as well. Me and my sister decided to come up here, and so we had a long boat ride up the shore to get to this wonderful place.

Niro said, he wanted to make it sould like a story but he was never any good at those, Orin had told him so and she was the expert on stories and books, he was just a falconer. He was enjoying the puppie’s company, remembering the first pup he’d met here, and that was so long ago. His heart warmed thinking about her, and the game they’d played together, though he doubted it would be the same with this pup he was interested in what he would turn out to be. what life held for the reddish pup in front of him.

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