now, after the fact


One ear turned to acknowledge the praise, though it sounded peculiar and almost false to Gabriel. He kept silent about it, finishing up his own drink before rising. The title of sire stung as any formality always had. Though he was largely in part a wolf, Gabriel had been raised amongst coyotes and did not expect anything from them. As long as they would come when he needed them, as long as they held the clan together, he did not truly believe there would need to be a master and a servant. This was why he had hated his mother for claiming Vieria as her own. It went against his very principles.

He watched as Kesho seemed to have a moment, took this as a sign of his age, and dismissed it. Gabriel was fairly ignorant as far as the effects of aging, as living in a war-torn area left little room for elders. His mother was the oldest being he knew, and though Haku had destroyed her, he still was not used to seeing her behaving in such manners as she did. It was a learning process for him, one he was not eager to begin.

Gabriel mirrored his smaller companion, the same detached look on his face. He could not, however, hide the fact that his eyes were more kin to those of a raptor then a coyote, the intense gaze wolfish in its nature—though they were his mother’s eyes, through and through. “If you must call me something, my name is Gabriel. I’m not a fan of decorum.” There was no doubt in him he must look like a beast. Broad-shouldered and heavy-set, Gabriel was made after a line of wolves that his father had never known. The de le Poer’s were, by and large, much smaller. His black face did little more than display his scars prominently. “Is that because you think of me as a wolf?” He asked flatly, finding no need to play games.

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