the pleasures of rediscovery -- Archive Please!

WC: 673. Forgive me, I'm still trying to decide how I want to work this particular transformation thing out, lmao. Feel free to give him some scars, too, though. Tongue His asshole side deserves it a bit. Lol.

Kesho Maisha

Kesho was pulled out of his state of thoughtless, monotonous work suddenly by a scent on the winds. It can't be..., he thought. Yes, Kesho! Now's your chance to let me through...let me show this far too brave dog whose land this really is... And he wasn't fighting him, yet. Wolves were smarter than to travel here. At least, most of them were. Since he had returned he had yet to smell an outsider in this territory. It excited him to sense that there were still those naive enough to approach these grounds without expecting a punishment. Although he hadn't long been back here, he felt that he held as much right as any to chase any and all trespassers out. Perhaps he might regain some trust with Gabriel that way, at least. The ocherine dog was slightly worried, after all, that he wouldn't be respected, acknowledged, because of the slight prejudice that bound him to these lands so greatly. It was hard to ignore, that hatred of canis lupus.

Soon the canine appeared; a strangely colored dog-- he was a mix of oranges, cremes, and reds. Kesho wondered to himself from whence this coloring had come. However, his wonder was cut short by an intense rage welling up inside him. The other had hardly been in his line of view, when the coyote was overcome by anger. Kill that dog! Who does he think he is, coming here with such bravery! Do not allow him the luxury of life. He couldn't stop it. The thoughts overtook him, causing him an almost unbearable amount of pain. Not since he had returned had that other side of him been capable of overtaking him, until now. Allow ME, Kesho! I will deal with this ignorant fuck who dares to set foot on OUR land! Kesho gave in, buckled under such immense pressure. No longer was he in control; it was the other's turn. He was nigh unstoppable in this state; something which Kesho rarely admitted, and it frightened him somewhat. In this situation, however, it was nearly a necessity. Yes, Kesho! Finally, you free me... You fucking coward, it's about time you let the master work. Now, stand down, you worthless piece of shit.

Not frequently did the coyote turn. His form morphed where he stood, each change in his body causing more maleficence to build inside of him. He could feel his bones elongating, limbs following suit to accommodate; his skin stretched, fur thickening and hackles raising to their length. Now significantly larger, in his secui form, Kesho stood, staring through blood-red eyes at the trespasser who dared speak to him on these lands. Though not as big as a wolf in comparable Luperci form, Kesho was formidable. His light frame and agility were powerful tools, and though his teeth were yellowed with age, they still possessed a powerful bite to be feared, for certain. Glaring at this daring wolf, the giant dog spoke.

"How dare you come near these lands. Who do you think you are, you filthy mutt? You would be wise to never return here.", he snarled, great canines dripping with longing to taste the blood of a wolf. "That is, if you survive this time. Don't count on it."

Words were superfluous; Kesho was controlled, overtaken by this powerful, demonic creature inside of him. His rage was uncontrollable, and he charged at the dog before him without mercy. In a full sprint he ran, not in a straight line, but around the reddish canine. He circled, aiming a bite with his massive jaw at the haunches of this stupid dog. Kesho stopped suddenly, having now passed the other, and turned to face him, face full of anger, seeing nothing but red. His fang were bared, and there would be no stopping him now. The massive coyote now charged again, leaping into the air moments before reaching the wolf, blind fury directing him and his bite, which attempted to take out the dog's neck. He wanted blood. He aimed to kill.

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